In Memory of




Dina Venturini
Saturday, September 27, 2003
I cannot express the sadness I feel for the loss of a best friend. A friend that I have known for 50 years, starting back in highschool. Bev and I have gone through some rough times, but we have always been there for each other. I have to commend Bev for all her achievements. She had the courage to reach many goals in her life even though she was handicaped by her illness. She has surpassed in her lifetime what many people without a handicap may never achieve. Bev and I were to meet on Wed. Sept. 24 at 5:00 p.m. to have supper together. This was a belated gift as it was not possible to go on her Birthday, which was on Sept. 16th. I have given the card to her sister, Marion as it was intended for her Birthday. The gift is still in the trunk of my car. I will miss you Bev. May God Bless. Love always, Dina
Gail and Frank Kelly
Friday, September 26, 2003
We are very sad to here about Bev. we worked with her at candian Mentel Health Ass. as a vol. for quiet a while she was a very pleasent person to work with when ever we seen each other she always said hi to us and always had smile on her face we will miss her greately but her momerios will always be us our condolences is with all her family From Gail and Frank Kelly
William and Linda Corlett
Friday, September 26, 2003
We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the family on Beverly's passing. William and Linda
Leila and Herman Huebert, Bracebridge, Ontario
Friday, September 26, 2003
Herman & I were saddened to hear of Bev's passing. We have many happy memories of Bev's time & help with the Explorer Group at Temple Church. The girls enjoyed her presence, loyality and she was of a great help to me.
Cinamon Lee Thompson
Thursday, September 25, 2003
I am so soory for your lost. Bev and I have been freinds for about 5 years I own the Cafe in the Public Library this is how we met. She came over to the Cafe daily to visit with me and share her love of her family with me, she talked about you all with so much love. She was so happy that she had lunch with her two sisters last week and the gifts you had given her. I last say her Wednesday before she left to go sailing on her trip with the PAC program, she was so excited. She said she loved to sail and hadn't done it in years. I feel so blessed to have known Bev, I will miss here and her warm loving way. She will never be forgotten and I will always remember her for her love of Family and Friends.
Nancy Iler
Thursday, September 25, 2003
I am so sorry to hear of Bev's passing - she and I were great friends at Temple Baptist Sunday School before my family moved to Toronto in 1952. We kept in contact for several years, but had lost contact several years ago. I seldom got to Windsor and when I did it was usually a hurried family visit. I regret not having tried to find her as I often think of her and the good times we had as young teenagers. Please know that I am thinking of you.