In Memory of




Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dad, It has been five years tomorrow that we lost you. I still miss you and will always love you. I know that you are watching over us. Love you Dad Linda
Kim & Joan Wilson & family
Sunday, November 02, 2003
We will always remember Don,s smile, he always had a smile for everyone. He had such a good sense of humour, that is what we will miss most of all. He made people feel happy and good to be around him. We will miss you Don. It was a blessing to know you. Love, Kim, Joan, Nick and Andrew.
Saturday, November 01, 2003
Mom: As I said on the phone when I called, you and Dad were like my real mother and father. I love you both very much and I am so sorry that he is gone. I will always remember that first time you came to see us in Revelstoke and Dad and I went to the pub to have a drink and play some pool. He was so good that we held the pool table the whole time we were there. I will miss him and I wish I could have seen him again or at least been out there now. I love you, take care.
Jason and Leanna Hnatiuk
Saturday, November 01, 2003
Grandpa, You are dearly missed. Leanna thought you were so sweet and only wishes she could have gotten to know you more. I will always cherish those summers spent in Windsor with you and Grandma when I was young. We miss you, Grandpa. Grandma, We are so sorry for your loss, and we only wish we weren't so far away at a time like this. You are always in our thoughts. All our love goes out to you. Love, Jason and Leanna
John McQuarrie
Saturday, November 01, 2003
Dear Jo: No words can express, the sadness, I feel, or the pain in my heart.. Please know that I love you so very very much, your like a second grandmother to me.. I as well as my entire family will always be here for any and every need you have and you are always in my thoughts and prayers I love you very much.. Please be comforted he is with all the other angels and making them laugh and sing in heaven.. Take care our hearts are with you... Love John Dear Doug & Brenda & the Campbell Clan Brenda & Doug I share your loss, at this time, Brenda, he was a second wonderfull father, and Jo, a second mom, you've always told me marrying Doug and have his mom and dad as parents were the best thing in your life.. Don always made it fun and always bought laughter and a life to the party. He will always bring fond memmories and smiles to your heart I'm so sorry for your Loss. Doug, you are One of the sweetest kindess beloved people I know and I'm proud to call you my brother-in-law. You get that cheeky sense of houmor and wit from your dad god bess you and because the lord needed another angel to keep em laughing he was called home. My thoughts and prayers are with you I love you Doug we're all here for you and Brenda. Dear Campbell clan Family: Although I don't know you all very well, I hope I can help the comfort and tell all of you Don, gave us so much laughter and joy may god bless you and your loved ones in this sad time..
Rod Hnatiuk
Saturday, November 01, 2003
Grandpa... thank you for sharing your magic with me. Your kindness and humor are dearly missed but forever remembered. I'm so sorry for your loss Grandma. Even though we can't be with you right now, you are in our hearts and thoughts. Love, Rod, Brenda, Daniel, and Derek
Richard and Karen Schofield
Saturday, November 01, 2003
We have been neighbours of the "Bernard Road Campbell Clan" for over 30 years. Our hearts understand the sad loss all of you are feeling. When we moved here all those years ago the fences between all the backyards were chainlink divides you could leap over in a single bound. They provided opportunity for friendly hellos,smiles and conversation.Our first awareness of Don was the sound of his laughter. We soon came to know the man with the laugh, and have considered him a friend ever since. Jo has a talent for laughing too, so it has come as no surprise that Doug and Danielle have inherited that happy, hearty Campbell laugh. As the years passed and the solid wall of fences went up in the backyards it didn't fence off the friendship we have felt for Don and Jo. Many an evening it would bring a smile to our faces to hear the laughter of a gathering of the Clan beyond the fences. Strange as it may seem Don and Jo added pleasure to our lives even when they moved, because they sold the house to Doug and Brenda.You couldn't ask for better neighbours than Doug and Brenda and Michael and Shawn. It has been said that "We need old friends to help us grow old,and new friends to help us stay young"...Don helped make that true for us. We will never forget him,and we will hear his laugh in our memories. We send our love and caring to all of "The Campbell Clan".With Sympathy, Dick and Karen,and Kari and Toby