In Memory of




Crossdock Systems
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
Lindsay Field
Wednesday, June 05, 2019
Dad, You left me too soon, you left all of us too soon. You fought so hard until the very last moment. Through your battle and your refusal to give up, you taught me that I must too never give up. I must keep fighting because that's what I deserve and that's what you wanted for me. I love you more than words will ever be able express and I cherish every moment we have ever talked on the phone, in person, our mini vacations you used to take me on, the roller coaster ride at Canada's wonderland you MADE me go on with you. I came off that ride shaking in a full panic attack and you insisted that we do it again. I would do anything to put a smile on your face so I did it again - this time with my eyes closed screaming. I had the best day with you last Summer and I don't think I ever expressed that to you. That day we went to the TFC game and had some drinks together was the best day I had with you. I still have that picture of us with the flowers on your head and even though it made you look like pansy you let me take the picture anyways. You are my hero and I am grateful that God chose you to be my father. I am going to really miss you dad :( ... Thank you for creating memories with me so I can hold on to those for the rest of my days. You really were my everything and I wanted nothing more than to follow in your footsteps. Thank you for visiting me in my dream last night, please don't ever stop doing that. I woke up this morning feeling a bit better because I got to see you again. This isn't goodbye forever - its goodbye for now
Melissa fiorini
Tuesday, June 04, 2019
You will be truly missed Bryan. My thoughts will be with your family. I'll always remember all the good times shared together.