In Memory of



Father Tony DelCiancio
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Thinking of you and your family these past few months on Michael's anniversary. Remembering Michael's deep faith and deep kindness.
Rev Tony DelCiancio
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Thinking of Michael this week and praying for Sherri and Jack. Hard to believe he has been gone a year already. And still rooting for the Cleveland Indians!
Bob and Judy Rutemiller
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Dear Betty, Judy and I wish to extend our condolences to you and your family in the loss of your son Michael. We chanced upon the obituary notice and immediately felt sorrow in our hearts for you, with the realization that this young man was your son. May fond memories fill the void that his passing will create. Sincerely, Bob and Judy Rutemiller (Tampa, Florida)
Kathy Pilkey
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Betty I am so sorry to hear about Michael. You are in my thoughts & prayers. Although it doesn't feel this way now, time will eventually replace your deep sense of loss with some very wonderful memories of your dear son.
Meredith and Adam Harris
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Our hearts go out to you and your family. We are keeping you in our thoughts.
Lee Batte
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
I am so sorry. Mike was such a great guy. Great smile and sense of humour. Again, I am so sorry. Lee
Copland Family
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Ponic Family Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this trying time.
Mike Berthiaume
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sheri and Jack, my condolences go out to you in this difficult time. The world has truly lost one of the greatest. One of the many things I loved about Mike was the fact that he was always smiling. It didn't matter if he had a rough day at work, or if The Bowery, our slo-pitch team, just got mercied. He always saw the bright side of things. He even took it upon himself to try and cheer me up after a rough game. After seeing you both together, it was easy to see why he was always smiling. Mike, you will sadly be missed. Until we meet again, my friend. Save a spot for me next to you in right-center field, just like old times.
Cheryl & Rob Soccini
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Dear Sheri, We are sending our sincere sympathy for your loss. May your memories stay with you to comfort you on your brevaement journey. We know & understand your pain. Thinking of you...Rob & Cher xo
Jeff Ottesen
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
I never met Mike but chatted with him many times over the years in our online baseball league. He was always pleasant and fair and was a class act at all times in the 10+ years I've known him. I can only imagine him as a friendly, warm person whose company I would have enjoyed greatly. My condolence to his family and friends. In the trying days ahead remember him as he would have wanted, and find peace in your faith and memories. Mike will be missed...
Richard Hewitt
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sherri,Pam,Jack and family, My deepest condolences if the loss of Mike. Mike, You will be missed by many. Enoy your family in Heaven. Life on earth is shorter for some that others.Eternity with God is forever. Love, Richard Hewitt
Neil & Diane Russett
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Mike was such a great guy and our hearts break for Sheri, Pam, Jack, Betty and all the family. The pain goes beyond family as Mike will be missed by his large circle of friends. May all of use this difficult time to become a source of support and comfort for one another....and lets try to find comfort in the fact that he has been reunited with his father (another wonderful person who left us too soon) and they will once again be together to watch their beloved Cleveland Browns & Cleveland Indians! Lots of Love, Neil & Diane
Paula Maurovic
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sherri, My deepest sympathies and condolences to you and your son. I am truly sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time.
Noleen & Bob Szoller
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Betty, Pam, Sheri and Jack - May it warm your heart to know that Mike is no longer in pain and is watching you from above. I really only knew Mike when he was very young and saw him a few times after he was married. Betty was very proud of both her children and always kept me up to date as to where they were or what they were doing. My heart goes out to each and everyone of you.
Tommy and Jeannie Miller
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sherri,Jack, Pam and family, We are deeply sadden that our beloved Mike has lost his battle with cancer. We no longer have his smiling face with us on earth but we now have a new angel in Heaven. Mike has reunited with his father Joe, who he loved and admired. Together they will watch over all of you. Love, Jeannie & Tommy
Sharon Helkie and Family
Monday, June 25, 2012
I have just finished reading all the memoriams that were sent to Mike and his beautiful family. What a wonderful testimonial to a terrific man we are sooo blessed to have known Mike. Although he wasnt here for a long time and left this world way to soon his family and all the people who knew him should take a page out of his book . I have never seen anybody try so hard to stay on this earth for his beloved Sheri and their very special son Jack. He was truly a very remarkable man. Too my friends Joe and Regina you both are very special people for everything you endured through this very trying time. Last but not least My Sheri I watched her grow up and she was always a very special little girl that was always loving and kind. This stayed with her as the years went on and it certainly showed in her dedication to Mike and Jack . You are a remarkable young lady and loved immensely by all or family. I would remiss if I didnt mention his mom Betty and his sister Pam. You did a good job Betty raising your son and daughter that is why they turned out so well . My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Ron, Chantal, Justine and Lia
Monday, June 25, 2012
The epitome of a great friend, father, husband and human being. We feel so fortunate and privileged to have been able to say he is a friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time. Love, Ron, Chantal, Justine and Lia
Ron Tiessen
Monday, June 25, 2012
Dear Sheri, Jack, and Family. My deepest sympathy at the premature loss of your dear husband, loving father and all of your friends. Ron Tiessen
Sandi O'Neill
Monday, June 25, 2012
Betty, I am so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you!
Doug & Chris Hinchcliffe
Monday, June 25, 2012
Our times spent with Sheri, Mike & Jack are a constant reminder of how precious family & friends are. RIP Mike, we will miss.
Diana McKay
Monday, June 25, 2012
My deepest sympathies to Mike's family and friends for your loss. I only knew Mike through stories shared by Jeff B. He was obviously a delightful, determined and loyal father, son and friend. Cherish all the wonderful memories, as they will eventually overpower the pain.
Lisa Liles
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sheri, We are so saddened to hear that Mike has passed. There are not enough words or even the right ones to help you through this time. Mike was a wonderful guy and I know his spirit will live on, especially in your beautiful son. You,Jack and the rest of the family are in our prayers. May God bless and watch over all of you. Lots of love xoxo. Lisa & Terry Liles
Rev. Antnio Delciancio
Monday, June 25, 2012
My deepest sympathies and condolences. Michael showed strong courage and a deep trust in God's love throughout his illness and despite his suffering and pain, he maintained his belief in the Lord and in His goodness. I was encouraged by Michael's deep faith in God. My prayers for with Sheri and Jack and all of Michael's family. Fr. Tony
Margie Stonehouse
Monday, June 25, 2012
Mike was a very good friend to my sisters. I am so very sorry for the loss of a very special man. My prayers are with you. He will be missed.
Steven Bezaire
Monday, June 25, 2012
Sheri, Jack, Pam, Betty, From my humble perspective, it is difficult to tell who was the most blessed in these heartbreaking circumstances: Mike for having the love, patience and undying support of you as his family members during his time on earth and especially during his last days on earth; or you all for having had the opportunity to witness what must be the bravest, most graceful, and unselfish example of facing and accepting one's illness and death. I am proud to have called him a friend, awed by his bravery and thankful for knowing all of you. God bless you and never hesitate to call, visit, or ask for anything that I or my family can do for you.
Rosanne Cantisani (Mancinone) & Family
Monday, June 25, 2012
Our sincerest condolences for Sheri, Jack and all of the Ponic/Corriveau family. Mike will be remembered for his mild manner, wonderful sense of humour, excellent potato-launching capabilites and great sportsmanship qualities stemming back from his Windsor East Little League days all the way to the Slo-Pitch Coed Leagues. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Jen Irwin-Morrow
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Dear Mike's family, I am so terribly sorry for Mike's passing, and the pain that this causes all of you. I knew Mike as a dear friend and classmate in university, and also as one of my brother's dear friends (my brother is Ken Irwin). I remember and always will remember Mike so fondly - he was a dedicated student who had a super sense of humour and always made sure to save me a left-handed seat in class! He was so thoughtful. I wish I had something to say that would ease the pain for you all, and I am not gifted enough with words to do so. Please know that my thoughts are with you and I am so very grateful for having spent even a brief time of life with Mike. Warmly, Jen
John and Lil LaPorte
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sheri and Jack, Mike fought a hard and long battle. He is now at peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time. love John and Lil
Jeff, Terri, Nicki, Ryan and MacKenzie
Sunday, June 24, 2012
We will always be grateful for the time we had Mike in our lives. He was an amazing man. A remarkable friend, father, brother, son and husband taken much too soon. We love you, Sheri and Jack. xo
Jon & Amy
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Amy and I are deeply saddened to learn that Mike lost his battle. He was a wonderful person, and our thoughts go out to Sheri, Jack, and the entire family.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know that are happy. My deepest sympathy to you and your whole family. Love Jim and Terrie.
Uncle Brian & Aunt Joanne
Sunday, June 24, 2012
We were so sad to hear the news Sheri, please give a big hug to Jack, Mike was such a fighter, cancer may have won this one, but, I am sure Mike will live on in Jack becoming your strenght in the days ahead. Love Uncle Brian & Aunt Joanne
Robert Sinclair
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Knowing Michael Ponic was a gift. His generosity to others, thoughtfulness for friends, and love for his family was exceptional ... In my last one-to-one conversation with him his sole focus was on caring for and loving Sheri and Jack; worrying about their future; being strong for them and others in his family who meant so much in his life ... not his pain, or his physical frustration, or HIMSELF at all. I had the priviledge of meeting him through Bowery baseball, a game he loved, played to win, but never put himself first in. I watched him for several years make great plays; get significant hits; and then share wonderful stories during or after a game, ... and always with humility, and grace, and respect for others on his team, and the opposition. His constant love and devotion for Sheri and Jack showed us the right way to honour and care in all circumstances; his genuine concern and love for friends made us better people; his daily life, I have absolutely no doubt, made the world a better place every day. There are broken hearts everywhere today at the news of his passing ... and the enormous depth of that brokeness is actually the greatest measure of the positive effect he had on all of us. Today Mike rounded Third and headed Home to score for the last time ... then he entered a dugout that erupted with cheers and pride in the game of life he had participated in so well. The plays, the hits, the runs scored .. at the time they seemed important, ...but far more important was the Man ... and we will miss him greatly ... Until we meet again on the Field of Dreams to warmup once again .... "All the way Mike ... all the way!" Coach Robert The Bowery