In Memory of





Jake,Beth,Ashley,Justin Bouman
Saturday, September 27, 2008
We we're very saddened to hear about Peter. We remember many happy times together with aunts, uncles and cousins, especially at Thanksgiving and the football games we used to play. Our thoughts are with you at this time. Love to all the family. Jake, Beth(O'Neil), Ashley and Justin Bouman Cobourg,On.
Grace White
Saturday, September 27, 2008
To all of Dr. Reddam's family, My sincere condolences to you for your loss. I hope with his help, you will have comfort and peace. Grace White (former patient)
Andy, Carolyn, Shane and Matthew
Friday, September 26, 2008
Janet and Jacob, Our deepest sympathies go out to you both. Peter was a kind and giving man. He always treated everyone with the greatest respect. He will be greatly missed and not soon forgotten. Thinking of you both at this most difficult of times. The St. Louis Family
Stephen, Allyson, Ariel, Aidan and Rowan
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dear Janet, Jacob, Uncle John, Aunt Grace & Family: I was shocked when my mother called the other day to tell me the news of Peter's death. It was only a few days earlier that I found out that he was sick. Words really cannot express how sad we feel on his passing. It seems like yesterday that I regularly saw Peter for a check up and he always new how to keep you smiling and relaxed even if he had a drill pointed at you. Unfortunately Allyson and I will not be able to attend the funeral but please know that we offer our sympathy and love and that our prayers and thoughts are with you. Stephen Paniccia and Family
Yolanda Strain
Friday, September 26, 2008
I Wish to express my condolences to all the members of Peter's family. I just can imagine what all of you are going through. I cannot find the right words to tell you, how sorry I am to have heard about Peter's passing!!! I am praying, asking our Heavenly Father to give you all, strenght!!! It was beautiful to see all the amount of people that showed up last night!
Lee Anne Wolters
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dear Janet and Jacob Pete was such a great and funny guy. The fun times we had in Sarnia and all the hockey the boys played together will always be wonderful memories. All the times Cale spent with you guys will be treasured by him always. May God give you strength and help you though this tragic time. Our love and prayers are with you. Lee Anne and family
Jana Paniccia
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dear Janet and Jacob, Uncle John and Aunt Grace, My sincere condolences. I was very saddened to hear about Peter. I have many fond memories of him. Of everyone in the family, he's the one I saw and knew the most it seems, mostly because I'd get in trouble when I didn't see him. His impact on my life, and on others cannot even be counted. I wish I could have made it down today to show my sympathy in person - but know that my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time. All my love, Jana
Rita Felder with Toni, Sarah, David and Cornel
Friday, September 26, 2008
Dear Janet and Jacob, we would like to express our sincere condolences to you, Jacob and your extended family. It was two years ago that we got to know your in spring hockey and ever since it was with great pleasure to meet you at the rink and talk about god and the world. We are very sad to learn about Peters sudden passing. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Rita, Toni, Sarah, David, Cornel Felder, Lambton Jr. Sting Petrolia, Ontario
Andy and Kath Raeber
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dear Janet and Jacob, Just wanted you to know that we're thinking about you and your family. Peter was a wonderful man, who has left us with great memories which will continue to make us smile as we remember our good times together. All of our love and friendship Andy and Kath
Laura & DaVaughn Greer
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dear Janet & Jake: my deepest sympathies to you and your family. My heart and prayers go to you and your son, who at such a young age has had to experience this devastating loss of his daddy. May you find peace and comfort and know that you are in everyone's prayers. Love, Laura and DaVaughn
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Dear Janet & Jacob Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. No words can express your loss-- We will surely miss that contagious smile of Pete's. God Bless you and your family. The Tazzmans
Sherry Emery & Jocelyne Bonneau
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I am so sorry for your loss, it will be a great loss. He was the best dentist, and had the best personality I have ever seen in a dentist, he was always so personable. I pray for all the angles to be with you and your son and families through this very hard time. Good bye Dr. Pete, you will be/are so missed all ready. God Bless you all.
Barb and Paul VanWatteghem
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Know that all of you are in our daily thoughts and prayers during this sad time.We will greatly miss him.He was unique and made our visits a joy and thats hard to say about your dentist!Rest in Peace Pete.
Ken Joan Sarah Joey Robbie & Mark Manchurek
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Janet & Jacob, At a time like this there are no words that will help your pain and sorrow. We don't understand why things happen the way they do, but hope there is a place where there is no suffering or pain and Peter is there. Our condolescences to you and your family. The Manchureks
Dave, LIsa, Aaron and Darien Ekblad
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dear Janet and Jacob, We want to express our deepest sympathies to you. You both are in our thoughts and prayers. May you both find strength in each other, you families and friends. Sincerely Dave, Lisa, Aaron and Darien Ekblad
Anne and Brad Paiement
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Janet and Jacob, Aunt Grace and Uncle John, There are no words to express the sense of loss, no words that can comfort or make sense of losing Peter. Peter always did and always will hold a spot very dear in my heart and in the heart of all who knew him. His kindness and gentle spirit will live forever. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Marc,Linda, Alexander & Andrew Badour
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Janet & Jacob, We are deeply sorry for your loss of Peter. He will be greatly missed by everyone who knew him. Words cannot express how hurt we are that Peter is no longer with us. Peter was a great friend to all of us and will always be remembered in our hearts for his kinds words and generosity. With all of our Love & Prayers , The Badour Family
Shelley & Taylor Reddam
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Dear Janet, Uncle John, Aunt Grace & Family: We are so sorry for you loss of Peter, and are praying for you during this most difficult time. When I think of Peter I think of a very kind and gentle person and, who just made you smile and feel comfortable. I know he will truly be missed. We send our love, our prayers and big hug to you and the family. May God Bless You and help you during this time. Love Shelley & Taylor Reddam
Duke, Carmela, Davis and Evan Fenos
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Janet and Jacob: Please find strength in each other. Peter was very proud of his family. He always had a smile and kind word for everyone. We are all proud to have known him. God Bless you both. Love Duke, Carmela, Davis and Evan Fenos
Carole and Matt Tobin & family
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Janet and Jake - We can only imagine how hard this must be for you both. Pete was always there to greet you with a nice smile, and a chuckle. We will truly miss him, and along with our thoughts and prayers we trust the happy memories will soon outweigh the pain. God bless!
Eastside Dental Office Staff
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
We are very sad to see you go. You have left with us many memories and a lot of laughs. You will always be remembered. Love your friends at Eastside Dental Office.
Romaniuk Family
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Janet and Jacob Pete will be missed dearly ,he was a great man. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Dawn Doug and Ryan Romaniuk
Jodie Reiser Hickey, Michael and Lauren
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Janet and Jacob, We are so sad to hear about Peter...our memory of him is with his son celebrating the Red Wings Victory and all those pictures that you shared with your friends....we are thinking of you and praying for God's peace for you all...Jodie Hickey and Family
Tony, Patricia, Matthew, and Ashley Mancina
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Janet and Jacob, As you comprehend your profound loss, no words can really comfort you in your time of grief, but please know that our deepest prayers and wishes are with you and Jacob. Peter will always be remembered for his selfless dedication and love for his family. His humour and gentle approach towards everyone he came in contact with will never be forgotten. May your memories and love for Peter give you strength. Sincerely, The Mancina Family
Cale Allen
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thanks for all the rides to Sarnia for practices and all the Subway and thanks for the Red Wings playoff game, it was great times. I'll miss you BIG DADDY! Cale
Josephine Scebba
Monday, November 30, -0001
My deepest sympathy to the Reddam family. I will always remember Pete's friendly & contagious smile. My brother Ricardo spoke very fondly of his dear friend Pete. I pray that God will grant you peace to ease your heart during this difficult time. Sincerely, Josephine Scebba
Patricia O'Neil
Monday, November 30, -0001
My thoughts are with Peter's family. Aunt Grace and Uncle John, my heart goes out to you. Peter was a funny, friendly man who always had a smile on his face. He will be missed.
Sue O'Neil, Sam O'Neil-Watts and Grace O'Neil-Watts
Monday, November 30, -0001
Our deepest sympathy goes out to Peter's family. It has been awhile since I have seen Peter but I'll always remember him as a very kind and funny man. To Aunt Grace and Uncle John you are in our thoughts. Love from Sue Sam and Grace