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February 16, 1948 – September 29, 2012

Christopher Vickers
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Dear Kari, Sage and Deb, Know that on this day, no matter the distance, my thoughts and prayers are with you! I miss him very much and believe that I will see him again one day! He was truly remarkable and will never be forgotten! Love you always, Laurie oxoxox
Laurie Bowen - Sunday September 29, 2013 via Condolence Message
Kari, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. I know how important and special your relationship was. Thinking of you during this difficult time.
Stacey Copp - Friday October 5, 2012 via Condolence Message
Kari and Saige, My heart goes out to you and your family. Your dad and grandpa was a very special man and he lit up the room with his presence, that twinkle in his eye and mischief in his grin. He made me laugh just like he did everyone else. His heart was full and he was always so proud of you both! I know your pain and please know I'm here for you. Take time for yourself, love each other and know that this horrible pain you are feeling will begin to heal. I promise you that. I'm here for you whenever you need me. Love you, Lisa
Lisa Parent Powers - Wednesday October 3, 2012 via Condolence Message
You are the best boss anyone coud ever ask made Windsor Residence like another home to all of us, residents & staff alike. It will be hard for all of us to move on without you there, but we must, thats what you would have wanted.To all of us at Windsor Residence, you were a great advisor, when we couldnt figue it out, we knew you would have all the answers, or know just what to do. I know that even though your gone the essence of your presence will still be with us, guiding us to do whats right, willing us to make the world a better place, one person at a time. Thank-You for all that youve taught me & for giving me this job which has added so many people whom I adore into my life. And to your family you have me deepest sympathy, I knew Chris for 2 1/2 yrs and I am greatly affected by his passing so oI cant begin to understand how you must feel knowing him for a life time....
Amy Graf - Wednesday October 3, 2012 via Condolence Message
To the Vickers family...My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.Chris was a wonderful person and was always with a quick smile, a joke,and always looking on the bright side, but most of all a giving heart. He could always make us laugh and lived his life as only he could. His giving nature will always be remembered and missed.We will miss you Chris.
Cheryl Doyle & Family - Wednesday October 3, 2012 via Condolence Message
The Vickers Family: Chris was such a wonderful guy, who helped so many people work through their struggles in life. I am so glad I got to speak with him twice in the last couple of weeks. Always a smile on his face,twinkle in his eye and a joke (if you know what I mean). You will be missed Chris.
Candice Podvin - Tuesday October 2, 2012 via Condolence Message
The Windsor Residence has lost a very special person, for the building and the community living there. I will always appreciate the extra time Chris took with my brother and listening to our issues. There was never a time that he missed the chance to say hello or make things easier for Chris. He will be deeply missed and his prescense in our lives will never be forgotten. Thank you for sharing him with us! It was an honor to have meant and known Chris for all these years! Our love and sympathies to your families.
Tina Glover-Stockwell - Tuesday October 2, 2012 via Condolence Message
Chris was such a real and humble man who treated everyone with such respect and dignity. He is the man that got my brother George back on track so that he can now hold his head up. We were blessed to have known such an extrodinary man. Please know that we hold your family up in prayer. Helen, George and family.....
Helen Ingratta - Monday October 1, 2012 via Condolence Message
Kari, Todd and the Vickers family. Our hearts are with you.
Mac & Michelle White and Family - Monday October 1, 2012 via Condolence Message
Chris was without a doubt, the best friend I ever had. He was the only one who made sure to keep in touch with me when I left Windsor in 2005 for my new home in North Augusta. He visited me here several times and I him whenever I came to visit. I met him at a fundraiser for Canadian Mental Health many moons ago when he was a volunteer. He came into my life at the precise moment that I needed someone to lean on as I had just gotten out of yet another abusive relationship. He has helped countless people over the years, always being willing to give someone a second chance, I just wish that he had a second chance. Kari, Debbie and Todd, Chris's mom and brother, you are all in my prayers, I am so very sorry for the loss of this great man. I will never forget him and will always be praying for you! See you soon. Laurie Bowen (Hunt)
Laurie Bowen - Monday October 1, 2012 via Condolence Message
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